Using wayne holder s excellent attiny fuse reset posts as a starting point this little device is able to reset the fuses on many attiny devices.
High voltage serial programming attiny.
Included is a bit rstdisbl after this chip is not available for high voltage serial programming.
This simple and inexpensive high voltage avr programmer for attiny chips requires only an attiny85 and a few components to build.
Developer programmer http mprog ru assures us that everything is done in accordance with the datasheet.
High voltage serial programming hvsp is the high voltage protocol for 8 and 14 pin attiny mcus.
Just build a small circuit plug it into arduino board upload a sketch and you are good to go.
With this mechanism it is possible to bring the mcu back to life.
The fuses can then easily be changed with the programmer you use for uploading your program.
It does this by putting the bricked tiny into high voltage serial programming mode and writing the fuses to safe values.
You don t need to purchase a hvp high voltage programmer or search for an old pc with parallel port to recover attiny.
A similar result if you include dwen.
Atmel attiny datasheet chapter high voltage serial programming describes alternative way of programming attiny microcontroller.
At attiny13 factory settings fuse bits.
Arduino high voltage programmer eraser for attiny based on recover bricked attiny using arduino as high voltage programmer this program restores the default fuse settings of the attiny and can perform a chip erase lock bits reset.