Some devices can be programmed to produce different spoken languages.
High tech vs low tech aac devices.
However high tech aac can be costly and devices are fragile.
An aac aid is any device either electronic or non electronic that is used to transmit or receive messages.
They are usually more sophisticated and more robust systems.
The following are a few examples of the many mid tech light tech aac systems.
High tech aac systems are electronic computer based voice output systems.
Aac devices or systems range from low to high tech from items as rudimentary as picture cards to the more complex computer and alternative keyboard systems.
No tech low tech light tech yes no cards choice cards and boards communication boards books flipbooks alphabet boards rating scales basic devices with prerecorded voices etc yes no series 6 parts by kate ahern.
As i mentioned yesterday assistive technology is anything anyone that helps a student make progress.
Alternative and augmentative communication aac refers to using a form of communication to supplement or replace spoken and or written words.
Most of these are present in most classrooms and we are unaware that we even provide these accommodations.
These are usually divided into the categories of no low tech.
High tech aac is excellent for this it has a large built in vocabulary and access to different voices.
Low and high tech compared like anything else both forms of augmentative communication have advantages and disadvantages.
For instance as mentioned above an ltac device such as a word or picture board does not require batteries or electricity.
The differences between no low tech and high tech aac devices.
These devices are usually easy to program and cost less than 500.
Low tech assistive technology is the most common form of assistive technology.
We know that there are some situations where it can be better to use light tech aac instead.
Varied types of devices are used to help speakers get their messages across.
Everyone has the right to access any language system that will meet their needs.
These devices range from low tech to high tech and combinations of both.